This page will help you get started with Ex-Human API

Ex-Human API

Ex-Human is a Digital Human Platform that allows anyone to create interactive AI Humans supporting hyper-realistic conversations. This API provides developers with access to a wide range of tools and features for building interactive AI Humans.


First, create a Bearer token at To authenticate your requests, include the Bearer token in the Authorization header of your HTTP requests. The header should have the following format: Authorization: Bearer <your-token>.

Chatbot Services

We offer two services for language interaction:

  • get_response returns the response from the bot to the user message within a dialog
  • get_smart_replies returns several suggested responses for user to continue the conversation

Both services require a dialog context. You can also pass persona facts and bot name to customize your Digital Human.

Talking Heads Services

We also offer two services for generating videos of AI Humans:

  • create_bot takes a photo as input and returns a link to a video with an animated AI Human, which is called idle_url
  • generate_lipsync takes idle_url, text and voice as input, and generates a lip-synced video of an AI Human speaking the text. The default character limit per request is 200. Please contact us at [email protected] to request an increase

Image Generation Services

We offer two services for real-time personalized AI images generation:

  • generate_gallery_image generates personalized images with custom description, taking source human identity from identity_image_b64 and desired image description from prompt
  • generate_faceswap_image allows you to swap the face from one image to another, seamlessly integrating the face from the source_image_b64 onto the target_image_b64
  • generate_avatar allows you to generate avatars of human- and humanoid-like characters based on your image description from prompt